Our factory is unique as it has both a Mill and a Joinery Workshop. We have the ability to process timber straight from the demolition site all the way through production to a timber product unique for you.
All of our one of a kind furniture pieces are hand built by our Specialty Solid Timber Joiners in the workshop.
We stock a large range of recycled and reclaimed timber.
Recycled timber is salvaged from an existing building that has been demolished while Reclaimed timber is freshly felled timber that has been milled for a specific job but is rejected by the builder for an error in dimensions, wrong product type or an excess of quantity. This is then salvaged by us instead of going to landfill.
Messmate, Yellow Stringy Bark, Grey Iron Bark, Red, Iron Bark, QLD Spotted Gum, Southern Spotted Gum, Black Butt, Karri, Jarrah, Kauri Pine, Hoop Pine, Oregon (Douglas Fir), Red Gum, Sydney Blue Gum, Tassie Oak, Mountain Ash and more.
Please contact us if you would like to enquire about specific species.